We accept works of non-fiction and fiction. If you are planning on submitting your work, please carefully read this page and complete and submit all requested information to: info@thefirereturns.com.

PBL is looking for creative and even experimental works that inspire, inform, challenge, and at times entertain. Our  publishing company is founded by a writer who understands the perils of getting a book published and so he has streamlined that process at PPI.Before submitting your work, ask yourself these questions: Does my manuscript  inspire? Does it inform? Does it challenge? Does it entertain? You must be able to give an honest affirmative to at least three of these questions in order for your manuscript to have a chance of being accepted by PPI. PPI is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality in all areas in which we publish, so we have just a few questions for you that will help us in evaluating your proposal.

  • Why do you feel compelled to write this book?
  • Why will someone want to read it.
  • Is there a particularly timely nature of the subject area?
  • What are the specific benefits of your book?
  • How do you plan on marketing the book?

Now give us a synopsis and describe the contents of your book in plain English. Be as precise as possible, providing both a general overview and a rundown of subjects treated in detail. Indicate how in-depth your coverage will be.

Who will be the audience for this title?

Try to avoid falling into the “all things for all people” trap. Specify who will need to read this book, identify industries. Also include information on professional associations, potential courses, and any other items that may help us reach your audience.If you really want to speed up our process, list other books on the same or related subjects that have been written for the same market. Include all pertinent information (author, title, publisher, date published, price, and number of pages). Then provide a sentence or two to explain how your book is different from (and of course, better than) each.

  • Describe your ideas about the physical book:
  • How many pages do you estimate it being?
  • Approximately how many illustrations will be included?
  • Can these be black and white, or is color necessary?
  • How long will it take you to complete the entire manuscript?
  • How is this tied to your business?
  • And are there any potential up sells or complimenting products yet?

We’d like to get to know you. Please tell us about yourself. Include a recent resume, if available, as well as a list of professional affiliations. Are you a member of any Associations related to the subject matter of the book? Please send us two chapters of your manuscript. Ideally, we would like the first and last chapters, including Table of Contents. If pertinent, it’s also a good idea to enclose some illustrations if you can. Thank you for your time and effort in compiling this information. We hope that the preparation of this proposal has helped you think about your book, and increased your awareness of publishing requirements. We look forward to a successful publishing experience. Again, send the requested information to: info@thefirereturns.com